LACMA MEMBER OFFER | We provide strategic financial advice at a discount for all members of the association. Our planning helps you reduce erosion of your hard earned money by reducing fees, taxes, and unnecessary costs through your practice and your personal planning. We listen, organize, and educate.
Reduce Fees, Taxes & Unnecessary Costs
WestPac Wealth specializes in TAX STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS for closely held businesses/private practice owners to bridge tax and financial planning. We leverage the business to build personal net worth (Monies from Business to Personal). Tax and financial plans are tailored to individual circumstances using court tested and IRS blessed tax codes. The WestPac Wealth team reviews tax returns and look to uncover opportunities. We recapture monies leaking from the business balance sheet and reposition those monies for your benefit! The most important piece is that we take advantage of what is available v. paying the IRS (money we never see again)! We are 100% confident we can bring value and reduce your tax liability!!